On Friday evening, November 7 2008, Noah Michael arrived. He was born at 7:34 pm and weighed 6 lb. 7 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. After 5 long days in the hospital, we were thrilled to bring him home Weds. November 12 and enter the world of parenthood. He is such an amazing blessing and a truly wonderful addition to our family. Noah has been great these first few days at home...he is very "laid back" like his daddy! We hope this new blog, "Noah's News", helps family and friends stay in touch with what's going on with our wonderful new family. New pics and another post coming very soon!
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Well, let Grandpa Mike be the first to welcome Noah to cyberspace! How's he doing today? Ready to play catch yet???
I love kids. I am glad that there's a new Noah out there, too. The only other one I knew got drunk and his sons got an eyeful. (Obviously I should have written "eye full" but equally obviously I'm unconcerned with such trivialities as properly grammatical grammatics.) He wasn't technically a Jew, this other Noah, but I guess this one's not a proper Jew either...He (the other one) was like a prehistoric (ok, I get it, it isn't prehistoric because it is historical, sorta) Steve Erwin. And that's pretty cool.
Anyway, I didn't mean to talk about so much other stuff. I just wanted to say I remember you guys, and I hope to set my own eyes on this one some time when I have the means to go traversing about.
Sean, I remember you too...Noah hasn't gotten drunk yet, but his dad has got an eye full, and almost been squirted with pee in the eye!
Noah is a cutie!! I think he looks like Grandpa Mike in the last photo...he has to be so proud!! I am so glad you created the blog. All of these handsome boys should be showcased!! Lynae
Wow! Prince Noah rules!!! This is just too cute!!! How did you get Jaeger to pose?
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